I Believe in Nashville
Down town Nahsville
Sister Gustaveson and I at the Nashville sign
My new boots - a Tennessee souvenir
P-day letter writing
Walking home from CVS with our milk
Traded hats with my dinner partner
I wanted to send my Daddy a giant teddy bear for Valentine's Day.....but I couldn't figure out how to send it
Me with the flowers you sent me for Valentine's Day
Remember this toy?
Frozen branches
A frozen leaf
Sharing YSA miracles with Sister McDonald, Sister Oldroyd and Sister LeFevor at transfer meeting
Scripture covers from Guatemala
Our Tennessee snow and iciness
Iced bushes
Valentine flowers from my Daddy
Stuck in with an ice storm
Playing in the ice and snow on p-day and getting soaked
Tracting with Nashville YSA
At Wayne's baptism with the Clarksville YSA group
Jaykob and me, YSA cool
Aaron's profile picture - love it!
With my sisters at the baptism
One of our last pictures together
Sister Rokovitz and Sister West. (I'm not sure who else is in the picture with them. Amber didn't say.)
Trying to comfort myself with a can of pineapple. It was shortly after this that President sent a text and told me that Sister West's mom has passed away. I was so sad.
On an exchange with Sister Dent. Such a fun sister.
A beautiful evening in Goodlettsville
Jaykob, one of the newest baptized YSA members and his friend, Colton. They look like a couple of missionaries
Teaching Jia the alphabet
Another fun Southern mailbox
Railroad tracks are everywhere out here
A day with the car
Trying to sneak a picture with sleeping kitty cats on our laps....but it kind of came out blurry
Sister West and I at District meeting
Being a good listener in District meeting
Sister West and I with Sister Andersen (third from right) and other sisters in our District after our meeting
Let's go teach
With the Penningtons
Me with Calvin at his baptism
Many YSA, good friends and missionaries at Calvin's baptism
We had our carpets cleaned this week and had to get our beds out of the way
Trying to take a selfie at the bus stop.....they never seem to turn out for some reason
This what I wrote in my journal notes the other day
Taking notes at MLC
Me with Sister Andersen, Sister Oldroyd and Sister West at MLC
With some of the sister training leaders at MLC
I loves these girls
Wearing 21 different pieces of clothing to stay warm....and the hood that the cross-dresser said made me look like a Nun.
No cold is going to get to me
At transfers with my new companion, Sister West (in red)
Sister Rokovitz and Brooke Hull
Playing 9 Square with the sisters
Watching Frozen on New Year's Day
Hermana Dansie, one of our roommates
Hermana Stokes, one of our roommates
With Jaykob at his baptism
Jaykob and the bros at his baptism (left to right: Damien, Keith, Adam, Wayne, Jaykob, Colton, Robert, Aaron and Ryan)
I finally got Aaron to smile
With Sister Schenk
At Transfers
Sister Rokovitz, Daniel (YSA from Nashville) and Sister West
Skyping with my family and the giant unicorn that Cory won at his wrestling match
Aaron's baptism with many of the sisters that taught him over the past 7 months
Sister Rokovitz, Aaron and Sister Hargadon before Aaron's baptism
Goofing off with Aaron before his baptism
Aaron with his brother and sister-in-law
Sister McDonald, Sister Rokovitz, Sister Oldroyd, Aaron, Sister Hargadon and Sister Frampton
Taking a group selfie
A wide angle view of Aaron's baptism
Aaron all dressed in the nice white shirt and tie a member bought him with Sister McDonald, Sister Hargadon, Sister Oldroyd, Sister Rokovitz and Sister Frampton
A Minion Christmas
Amber could eat cereal and milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if you're wondering about the word "Crap" on her shirt, it's a quote from one of her favorite movies, Nacho Libre, that Sister Hargadon gave her for Christmas. It says, "They don't think I know a butt-load of crap about the gospel, but I do." I guess you have to know the movie to laugh at the quote.
With some of my YSA buddies
With Brother Frogue - My 2nd Dad in the mission field
Making sure Amber gets her own personal combine (the hat.) She really wants to drive one of those things.
The Christmas breakfast at the Frogue's
I fit right in the wheel well of the combine
I'm going to drive this someday
Our YSA party and gift exchange
Austin checking out what gift he got
What are the sister missionaries getting????
Yay!!!! Just what we needed after all those flat tires.
Jaykob and Austin getting ready to tract with us. Austin was cold so Jaykob is helping him tie Sister Hargadon's coat on.
Knock knock.....it's the Mormons
At the Frogue's
With Damien from the YSA. He is such a great guy.
With the Frogue's grandchildren. I love these little kids.
Decorating for the party
Merry Christmas from Sister Rokovitz and Sister Hargadon
Amber, our investigator from campus, me and Sister Hargadon
Out in the dark with our blown tires. Sister Hargadon in the front with me and Sister Frogue in the background
Sister Hargadon and I with dear Brother Frogue, who came and saved us. Flat tires in the dark in the middle of Kentucky......good thing the Frogues live in the middle of nowhere.
"Whateva" hahahaha found this gem at the library
Dad you should be proud of me.....I bought a Piggly Wiggly shirt
Follow Me To The Pig!
A good quote for me this week
The room with all of the Nativities set up
The art room with various pictures of Christ
With all of the YSA for FHE
French fries in the fried turkey - Southern Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving at the Bolos'
At the temple with Sinclair
With Ebony's twin boys - Sa'Vion and Da'Vion
My Army sweatshirt
I love you
This will totally be me at the airport when it's time to come home
Sister Rokovitz and Sister Hargadon
Sister Rokovitz and Cha
Sister Rokovitz with Chris trying on his baptism suit over his clothing with his "elf" shoes
Nathan and Chris
Sister Oldroyd, Sister McDonald, Chris and Sister Rokovitz
Nathan, Chris, Sister McDonald, Sister Rokovitz and Sister Oldroyd
Chris and me with my iPad and Sister Stucki watching the baptism
My plaque
Sister Oldroyd, Sister Rokovitz, Sister McDonald and Keith at Keith's baptism (other young man unknown)
Sister Oldroyd, Emily, Sister Rokovitz and Sister McDonald at Emily's baptism
This man was outside the grocery store today
Sister Rokovitz and Sister Oldroyd at MLC
Sister Oldroyd, Sister McDonald and Sister Rokovitz
Sister Cook, Sister Gates, Sister Andersen and Sister Rokovitz at MLC
With Sister Andersen at MLC
Elder "cheese ball" Schnell
The gourd that I painted to look like me
Two very talented pumpkin painters - Gabbi and Teresa
Happy Halloween from the Clarksville District
Skyping Emily - Sister Rokovitz, Sister McDonald and Sister Oldroyd
Keep Calm and Pray On
We both have footie jammies
For those who have lived in the South, you know the rest of the sign should say, "Ya hear?" after "Y'all come back now"
Just hangin' out in Kentucky
Sister Oldroyd and Sister Rokovitz
Sister Oldroyd and Sister Rokovitz
I got to see Sister Frampton
I loved seeing Sister Jarvis (my 2nd companion - 2nd from the left) and so many of the Nashville YSA from my first area
Our mission conference with David Archuleta
With John at Walmart. I gave him the Book of Mormon that Dad wrote his testimony in
Locked the keys inside.....but Kevin will get us in
Dre, with the Book of Mormon that Cory wrote his testimony in
With Sister Oldroyd, my new companion
With Sister Stucki at transfer meeting
Meeting with our friends from Kenya
Welcome to Kentucky!!
Tennessee welcomes you. I live right on the boarder of Kentucky and Tennessee and am often crossing over the boarders, back and forth.
I Love Tennessee!!!
Yay Clarksville!! I get to stay another transfer!!
Piggly Wiggly......Only in the South haha.
Good bye Sister Stucki. I'm going to miss her soooo much!!!
Sister missionaries can do handstands in skirts and still be decent.
The YSA men. They wanted their picture taken.
Me and Sister Stucki at the temple.
Southern license plates are the best.
The dogs get a little excited out here. Here are my shoes....soaked in dog pee. Yay! It was dripping down my leg and puddling in my shoes.
Little Rebel. (If you came here to PREACH Do Not Knock!)
Jesus loves you.
I hit my year mark. Thanks for the cookies Mom and Dad.
"Hay" Olaf. He's made completely of hay.
This is how moving is done in Tennessee.
Brother Frogue owns some GIANT tractors.
In the barn with the cows.
With the YSA at FHE at the Frogues.
With Sister Stucki at Zone Conference.
Our Zone (Amber is in the green blouse.)
Sister Stucki, Sister Rokovitz, Sister Bolos and Elder Bolos.
Richard's notes from scripture study.
Me with my new companion, Sister Stucki
FHE bowling with the YSA group.
Bowling.....the right way.
Sister Frampton with Eli and his Minion.
Me, Sister Frampton and Abbie.
Cutting Sister Frampton's hair....thanks to all the years of watching Mom do it.
My weekly goals.
Our last District picture before the transfer.
Sister Frampton, Richard and me.
Richard, Sister Frampton and me.
America, Peace and the Book of Mormon.
Skateboarding in a skirt.
Too many bug bites.
Playing games for FHE with the Young Single Adults.
Me with Hermana Reed during our exchange.
Austin S. covered in flour..... Darn him for moving!
Being silly after Institute.
Richard, soaked to the skin in his nice suit.
Too many missionaries in the car.
My decorated desk area.
Opening some birthday presents.
Me and my polka dot birthday balloons.
Totally a Kentucky moving trailer.
On the saddle at Texas Roadhouse for my birthday - Side saddle.....missionary style.
Blowing out the candles on my two birthday cakes.
After the FHE flour fight - I'm 3rd from the left on the front row.
Kentucky road and green fields.
Mennonite driving his tractor.
Me with Sister Frogue on Frogue Road.
Me and Sister Frampton out in Brother Frogue's tobacco field.
With Brother Frogue in the tobacco field.
I popped it.
At the Frogues with their puppies.
Me at the Frogues.
With Sister Knight, a missionary from Grandma and Grandpa's town.
Come to Sports Night with the YSA.
The delicious cheesecake I ordered after dinner.
Roni, Alex and me with our gifts from each other.
The sweet necklace that Roni gave me.
Cake faces. Sister Lefevor and me.
FHE water fight.
Me with my new companion, Sister Frampton, at Sweet Cece's.
I loved being greeted by these kids.
The little kids we gave Jesus cards to.
Playing the piano at transfer meeting.
After being completely soaked from our water war. I really am soaked to the skin.
Cheetos Puffs contest. I won! I stuffed 18 Cheetos Puffs in my mouth. The things we do on P-days.
My Book of Mormon story challenge (From Facebook.)
Me and Sister Christensen matched.
Chocolate covered strawberries with Gwen.
Water war protection.
Water war 4th of July night. I tried to protect myself with towels.
Roasting s'mores on the stove with a butcher knife on the 4th of July, inside.
Sister Lefevor, Abbie, me and Sister Frogue the night Abbie opened her mission call.
John Wayne. This one is for you Dad.
I finally found my street on my mission.
A giant bug on my arm. I freaked out! But my first reaction was, "Sister, take a picture."
Sister Lefevor and I with the Frogues. Brother Frogue is the 3rd counselor in the 1st ward who has been called to be over the YSA group. Sister Frogue teaches Sunday School and I love them with ALL my heart. They are the people with the thickest Southern accents I've met. I love it.
Camels at the zoo. Hump Day. Woot woot.
This is what humidity does to my straightened hair.
The other sister missionaries decorated our door. "Keep Calm and Mormon On."
Zone Conference this week.
Me with my Hump Day camel, Pohako.
Opening the Hump Day box that my family sent me.
I love my Hump Day t-shirt. "What day is it?"
Hump Dayyyyy! Woot woot!
Missionary Minion.
"Outstanding" in the field.
The "fields" are alive......with the sound of music.
Creepy place in the middle of no-where.
Major football fans.
Cleaning the car on P-day.
My companion, Sister Lefevor, eats bread, cheese and cereal.
Cereal party. A nightly thing.
My new companion, Sister Lefevor, with all the cereal we're going to eat.
Giant leafs.
Trying to get rid of my migraine. Using a headband to hold a cold cloth to my head.
Our missionary choir group.
Big black rain clouds.
It's getting so green here. I love it!
A donkey.....right in the middle of no-where.
Last District picture together.
Holding the Crawford's giant cat.
Trying to get Silencio to bite the ice scraper so we can drag him across the road.
Silencio, the snapping turtle....before he became Silencio, the pancake.
The firefly lit up in my hands.
Our firefly in the jar.
I have hit 8 months in the mission. I love my mission!
We had soooo much rain. On this day, Sister Schenk decided she was just going to trudge through the flood while we were tracting.
We made an animal feeder on our back porch.....and it works!
Sister Dixon and Sister Rokovitz - both from Spanish Fork and both entered the Tennessee mission the same day.
Stuck leaf.
Leaf seeds that stick to your face.
The bishop's youngest daughter, my little buddy, got baptized.
It's getting so green here.
All the pollen on our car.
Jeff and Abbey caught 4 of these baby turtles at the lake.
Sister Schenk with the large turtle that was trying to get in the church last week.
Poor little Robin eggs and nest....they didn't survive the storm. So sad.
Sister Rokovitz with her new companion, straight from the MTC, Sister Schenk.
President and Sister Andersen with Dan Clark, our speaker at transfer meeting.
Sisters in helmets. Sister Schenk and Sister Rokovitz
Mr. Turtle, hiding in his shell. He was waiting outside of the church, wanting to come inside.
Baby Robin eggs up on our porch light.
Sweet baby Robin eggs....with Jesus watching over them.
Yum! Cupcakes.
Sister Rokovitz with a bunch of missionaries from the Tennessee Nashville mission.
A shorter haircut for the Summer.
Donnie's baptism day with his friend, Griffin, who baptized him.
Donnie got baptized - We're all so happy!! Sister Ferrin, Donnie and Sister Rokovitz
The nasty octopus I had to eat for not contacting a winning number of less actives during the week.
Thrift store fun.
Lunch time at Zone meeting
Zone meeting - Sister Rokovitz, Sister Ferrin and Elder King
A temple plaque we made.
Larry with his cousin and best friend, Brother Fulgham
Sister Ferrin, Larry and Sister Rokovitz
Sister Ferrin, Larry - after his baptism and Sister Rokovitz
I've hit my 6 month mark.
We made treat bags with cards about Christ in them and handed them out to unsuspecting people all day. It was fun to see their reactions.
Town square of Benton. There are little shops like this all over our area.
Noose stand. The last hanging in the US was done here.
Another gorgeous sunset in Illinois
Sister Ferrin with a puppy dog that kept trying to get in our car.
My "weather girl" outfit. I went out in the snow every hour for 2 days to check the weather.
Using a debit card to get into our apartment. Sister Ferrin locked our keys inside.
Got in!!
Sister Ferrin dancing with Abigail, our Bishop's youngest daughter.
We had bed bugs and had to stay up very late washing our sheets and bedding. Sister Ferrin was SO tired the next day.
Choices, choices....which egg to eat??
In our bathroom fortress during a bad storm.
Sister Ferrin and Sister Rokovitz at the Nashville Temple.
Sister Ferrin and Sister Rokovitz with new iPads to use in the mission.
Sister Ferrin and Sister Rokovitz
We worked on a puzzle since we were stuck inside, due to ice.
I tried biscuits and gravy for the first time and....it's not bad. I like it.
Sister Mickelsen and I got matching Vanderbilt sweatshirts
P-day by the Johnny Cash mural
Sunset in my new area in Illinois
Telling about their "10 new investigators in a week" miracle at transfer meeting - Sister Rokovitz, Sister Jarvis and Sister Mickelsen
Sister Rokovitz and Sister Mickelsen
Sister Rokovitz and Sister King
Emad became a citizen on Thursday - Sister Rokovitz, Emad, Sister Mickelsen and Sister Jarvis
Saying goodbye to Cha.....after bawling our eyes out.
The "little kid" pizza that Emad made for me
New Year's Day all day P-day - Sister Rokovitz, Sister Mickelsen and Sister Jarvis
Cha's baptism - Sister Jarvis, Sister Mickelsen, Sister Rokovitz, Cha, Sister Giles and two other sister missionaries
The frozen water fountain in front of the library - They keep the water running all the time
Half of the table at the Andersen's for Christmas dinner
My missionary Christmas stocking
Christmas morning with our Christmas gifts....and the tiny tree in the middle - Sister Jarvis and Sister Mickelsen
Christmas tradition - Cinnamon rolls
Now I can do some workouts
Sister Rokovitz
My gift to myself with Christmas money from Grandma and Grandpa
Christmas Reindeer
The new trio companionship - Sister Jarvis, Sister Mickelsen and Sister Rokovitz
Cha in front of the Nashville temple.
Sister Rokovitz with Sister Tenny caroling through the neighborhood (Sister Hulme and Sister Giles in the background.)
More Christmas presents than the little Christmas tree can handle.
Keeping dry on a mail run.
It's snowing! No really, it is!
Music Monday. Do I look like I know what I'm doing? Ha, I've never touched one of these in my life.
Late for studies.....T-shirt and skirt.
Mr O'Mally - World's best tracting cat. He follows us all around.
I got my flu shot this week...it hurt!!
The city through the fog from the window of the Music City Center.
My decorated Christmas desk.
It rained for 37 hours straight.
The great city of Nashville Tennessee
Biscuits that turned out looking like blobs.
Sister Giles cutting up the sweet potatoes.
Waiting for the sweet potatoes to boil.
Mashing the potatoes for Creamy Sweet Potatoes - a Rokovitz family Thanksgiving tradition.
Thanksgiving dinner #1 at Shantel's home.
Making popcorn balls after Thanksgiving dinner.
Transferring myself to the twisty-tie crew.
Sister Giles, Cha, and Sister Rokovitz
Thanksgiving dinner #2 at Zoe's house.
Sister Giles and me with Zoe, her brother and boyfriend and Colt-the-dog. Thanksgiving 2013
Dinner at the Tolk's home - Sister Rokovitz, Juliet and Kyle
Digging a hole to bury our "weapons of war"....while wearing my Van tennis shoes and a skirt.
Jumping on the shovel, just like my Dad taught me how to do.
Holding marijuana while Cha digs a hole to bury it.
On the way to Zone Conference - Sister Giles, Sister Tenny and Sister Rokovitz
At Zone Conference with Sister West (MTC roommate)
Sister Johnson and Sister Rokovitz at Zone Conference (they did an exchange together and Amber really liked Sister Johnson)
After making a deal with Cha, Amber decided to give up her drink of choice, milk, while Cha gives up things that are holding up her preparations for baptism. So, no milk (or at least less) until Cha is ready.
Nashville Tennessee temple
Sister Giles and Sister Rokovitz
With some of my favorite sisters: Sister Hulme, Sister Vandenberg, Sister Giles and Sister Rokovitz
So sad that Sister Vandenberg's mission is over and she is going home. Luckily, she lives in Utah, so a reunion is in order in about 16 months when I come home.
A group of sister missionaries at the meeting before Sister Vandenberg goes home. Amber is the third one from the left on the back row.
I'm awake, I'm awake......
Taking Sister Vandenberg out to dinner before she heads home.
The warning text we received on Halloween night - Tornado watch!
Sister Giles, Sister Rokovitz and Rebekah
Sisters and Elders
My desk/study area and wall
Lunch at Roma's.
A very rainy day but I get to use my cute polka dot umbrella
Experimenting with putting outfits together
Getting my hair braided by Makaya, Kevyaundra, and LeiLei - THE MOST PAINFUL EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE
Sister Giles cooling off
My dinner was yucky - Alfredo made with Almond milk
First time cooking on my mission
My lid for my corn
Being a zesty zester.
Ahhhh, a box from home.
Testing out mixing clothing to create different outfits.
My bag was on my chair and I was too lazy to get up.... so I just tipped the chair over to get my stuff.
I "heart" Nashville mug.
Missionary work with Sisters Hulme, Vandenberg and Giles.
First baptism in the field - Sister Rokovitz, Chrissy and Sister Giles
First baptism in the field - Sister Rokovitz, Chrissy, Chrissy's friend's brother that did the baptizing and Sister Giles.
Sister Giles, Sister Vandenberg, Sister Hulme and Sister Rokovitz
Showing off matching skirts with Sister Hulme. Must have both shopped at the Sister Missionary Mall.

The very large group (mainly sisters) that went to Tennessee in September. Amber is front and center, black skirt/mint blouse.

Amber with her first companion in the mission field, Sister Giles.

Amber with her mission president and his wife, President and Sister Andersen.
The Tennessee Nashville mission home.
Sister Evans and Sister Rokovitz during a layover in Georgia.
On the plane, headed for their mission.
Getting on that flight to Tennessee.
Still waiting...
Waiting in line to get on the plane
Checking in the luggage
Amber and Sister Evans, heading to Tennessee
Running into Dad at the airport on departure day. Dad had a flight out too.
Very, very, very early in the morning...heading to Tennessee. Sister Leavens, Sister Rokovitz, Sister West and Sister Evans.
Under 50 lbs.?????
Last meal in the MTC
Last meal in the MTC
Sister Rokovitz
Last day in the MTC - Sister Rokovitz, Sister West and Sister Leavens
The famous missionary map picture. Pointing to Tennessee.
That's where they're headed - Elder Snow, Elder Cottam, Sister Rokovitz, Sister Evans, Sister Leavens and Sister West
MTC zone at the Provo Temple. Amber is on the right in the blue skirt.
Awwwww, a sweet bracelet that Lindsie sent Amber. It says: Love reminds you that nothing else matters.
Happy, jumping missionaries
MTC roommates: Sister West, Sister Leavens, Sister Rokovitz and Sister Evans
Sister Rokovitz and Sister Evans
Amber's MTC district - Sister Leavens, Sister West, Sister Evans, Sister Rokovitz, Elder Snow, Elder Cottam, Elder Wilkinson and Elder Godfrey
Zone sisters - Sister Hadley, Sister Kurtz, Sister Leavens, Sister West, Sister Rokovitz and Sister Evans
The "outside world"
Smelling the "cream soda" tree on P-day
Laundry time
Emailing home - Sister Evans, Sister Rokovitz, Sister Leavens and Sister West
A favorite scripture
So happy to get so much mail
Mirror photos - Sister Rokovitz, Sister West, Sister Leavens and Sister Evans
The Elders - Elder Cottam, Elder Snow, Elder Wilkinson and Elder Godfrey
The Sisters - Sister Rokovitz, Sister Evans, Sister Leavens and Sister West
Sister Rokovitz and Sister Evans
TRC room "house" - This helps in the training to feel like you are in a home, teaching.
Sister Rokovitz and their tutor, Sister Hughes
We're matching - polka dots and mint
Missionary granny
MTC teacher - Sister Ure
Our district - Elder Wilkinson, Elder Godfrey, Sister Rokovitz, Sister Evans, Sister Leavens, Sister West, Elder Snow and Elder Cottam
Amber's room at the MTC, shared with 5 other sister missionaries.
That 6:00 a.m. feeling
Sister Evans and Amber in the class room.

Amber with her MTC companion, Sister Evans.
The new name tag!
See you in 18 months. Kind of a happy-sad face.
Is she adjusting her belt or does she have tummy nerves going on?
Hugs and frowny faces
One last "Mommy Hug"
Handshakes for brother
Hugs from Daddy.
Goofing around, waiting for the time to pass.
Family photo (missing Chad)
Amber and Lindsie in front of the Provo Temple.
Yay! She's a missionary and today is the special day!
Out in front of the Provo Temple.
Lunch with the Brown's from Georgia - it's Michael's MTC day too.
One last good-bye to the beloved car.
All packed and ready to go to the MTC
Amber with her bestie, Lindsie
The night of the setting apart as a missionary with family and friends.